Freshminds Connect

Expert advice

for strategic questions

Access two free hours of time with selected experts to support critical questions and provide advise where it's needed the most.

In times like these when businesses need to reevaluate structures, strategies and identify opportunities for growth, having an expert view gives the best advantage for successfully upscaling of plans when demand is rapidly changing. By identifying a few core areas for business, we have mobilised our network of Researchers, Analysts, Consultants and Sector Specialists to provide one-to-one remote consultations across a number of areas.

Gain insight, feedback and recommendations. Connect your business to a member of a selected panel who can help with your specific challenge and move your business goal forward. This is especially useful in areas such as supply chain, logistics, e-commerce, change management, financial forecasting and leadership development.

Answer specific strategic questions in a one-to-one, remote consultation and open up opportunities in your business. The time can be used for a number of ways such as ideation, workshops, stakeholder interviews, reviewing documents, sharing insight and stress testing ideas.

Expert panels

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2 hours of free, no-ties advise. If you’re interested to find out more about the panels or how you can access this for your business, then get in touch today. We’ll get back within 3 working hours, or at a time that you specify.

Interested to become a member of one of our expert panels? Email Luiza to find out more.

Interested to submit your details to join the network? Register today

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