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A golden summer of pride

by Tatiana RaikesTatiana Raikes August 07, 2012

​Whether this summer’s Olympics have helped or hindered your company’s bottom line, there is no escaping the incredible turnaround in sentiment towards the Games. We were led to believe through clever PR and marketing tactics that London would be chaos, and that the streets and the transport links would be impossibly crowded.

In fact, the complete opposite has been true, both central London streets and the commute have been almost eerily quiet. This coupled with a Herculean Team GB effort has made London and the rest of the UK Olympics-mad with a last minute rush for remaining tickets and an overwhelming pride in Britain and all things British. People in London are smiling at each other as they head to work and (heaven forbid) talking to each other on the tube!

Who would have guessed that a match of Judo could incite such passion and sudden expertise (quick Googling sessions leading to shouts and cries of ‘Ippon’). I only hope that the UK can harness this incredible positivity and pride and try and maintain it long after the Games have finished.

If the Games has taught us anything it is that Britain is capable of doing that which nobody said we could. As well as inspiring a generation of athletes, the Games have demonstrated the immense power of pride.

Use the Olympic Games to inspire pride in your organisation, in what you do and in your company. Take pride in being British and make sure that you, and those you work with, are proud of the work you are doing.

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