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City hiring again

by Soraya Pugh August 31, 2011

As I sat on the train yesterday morning to start my daily commute, I was greeted with a positive and encouraging article on the front page of City AM.

The City is hiring again!  Price Waterhouse Coopers are recruiting more than 800 new staff as the Professional Services sector bounces back.  Santander are also set to create 6000 new jobs within Retail banking.  These statistics mirror what FreshMinds is experiencing.  We’ve seen huge growth in Professional Services and Financial Services as the economy gets back on its feet.  Hiring, after all, is the barometer for a growing economy – the greater the growth, the greater the need for bright talent to drive this growth.

I think Ian Powell, of PWC, sums it up quite nicely:

“If the UK economy were a patient I would describe it was stable but not out of the woods yet.”

Powell advises the coalition to be careful on regulation as his firm wants to continue to hire the best people.

Attracting and retaining the best talent is as important now as ever.  As businesses gear for growth, they need the best people to help drive this forward.  As growth continues, and we hope it will, the war for talent will become more ferocious.  Already the candidates FreshMinds work with - who are the most exceptional -are becoming increasingly picky about their career options because, for the first time in 2 years, they can afford to be.

If you are looking for the brightest and the best to support your businesses growth and recent stability, please do get in touch with FreshMinds.

Soraya Janmohamed is Head of Graduate Recruitment at FreshMinds Talent

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