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Top Tips for Motivating your Team

by laura2400 March 18, 2015

Being a good project manager is not simply about having a tight grip on the reins and chasing up colleagues to ensure work is done correctly and on time. It's also about motivating the entire team to do a good job and care about the project and its outcomes. Consultancies are often full of bold personalities and so with a variety of potential clashing rivals, sometimes things can be difficult. But a good project manager will remain cool under pressure and ensure that everyone is united under the same goal - to solve the financial problems facing the company.

Take a look at the following 10 websites for helpful advice...

  1. Loads of advice from Techrepublic on things you can do straight away to improve your team relations.

  2. A great printable pdf explaining how to be a great manager that can motivate their team.

  3. TLNT (Talent Management - HR) has a great article here on how to keep motivating people, even when times get stressful.

  4. 10 simple ideas from LinkedIn explaining how to keep up encouragement and playing to the strengths of individual team members.

  5.  Take this Mindtools test to see what kind of project manager you are and how to improve your motivation techniques.

  6. A useful post to take heed of in the current economic climate - how to ensure motivation within a team is maintained cheaply.

  7. List of ten simple rules to keep your team engaged - including beer time and friday fun!

  8.  If you are working for a large consultancy firm with offices across the world, your team might not even be all in one place. This article explains how to manage an offshore team.

  9. Quite an academic article about unlocking motivation in staff - worth a read though as it is simply explained but using sociological theories.

  10.  A great list of 14 'dos' and 'don'ts' in management - take heed and don't make the common mistakes!

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