Digital switchover is well underway. Depending on the part of the country you hail from, analogue may already be a thing of the past, at least for your television signals. Digital is however far more all-encompassing, universal even, and this is every bit the case when it comes to career considerations. There are now as many career paths in digital to pursue as there are outside of it.
Perhaps you want to be immersed with the latest technologies at a start up? Or would you prefer the safety of that corporate umbrella, with the hefty challenge of moving all things offline into the online world? Maybe you’d like to consult with all those organisations that haven’t yet embraced digital to the extent they should?
Whatever the path, there is a digital role out there for you; as analyst, strategist, marketer, or operator. If you are after creative, fast paced, leading edge, and highly commercial career, then digital will tick these boxes.
We have a fair few digital career options here at Freshminds you may want to consider. Experience not essential, enthusiasm a must!
Phillippa Dunlop is a consultant at Freshminds Talent for the Select Team, working with experienced candidates.