"Surely we don’t need to meet face to face?”
“I am far too busy”
“It’s not convenient”
When we get any of these responses at FreshMinds Talent it is an automatic warning sign! Our star candidates, and the ones we successfully place, have all been keen to meet and accommodating enough to ensure a face to face meeting happens. We may have met candidates three or four times in some cases over several months before we’ve placed them into their ideal role.
FreshMinds Talent works with the top couple of percent of the graduate population - the smartest and most ambitious. These candidates appreciate that a candidate is not a CV and an actual role is not a job description. How can we assess if you’re likely to get on with our client if we’ve never even met? The flip side is that these people are busy and many have international roles, yet we always manage to find a time to meet them. We appreciate flexibility and the good will that creates goes a long way – we will try and be flexible too!
You wouldn’t hand over your money to a total stranger, so why would you want to outsource one of your most important searches of your life to a voice on the end of a telephone? That’s no way to start a fruitful relationship.
We don’t place people we haven’t met, so if you are serious about your search, come and meet with us… You might even like us!
Will Dawson is a consultant on the FreshMinds Talent Select team