As some of you will remember, this is the tenth anniversary year of flagship scheme, Freshminds Ones to Watch.
To give you an update, we are due to announce our Ones to Watch 2010 winners by the beginning of July. The scheme this year has been a huge success.
Ones to Watch is the only peer-nominated talent-spotting scheme in the UK. We run it at the top universities in Britain. It means we can spot people who are not only gifted academically and have great CVs, but also those who have won the respect of their peer group. These are the outstanding future leaders we encourage at FreshMinds Talent.
At the end of this July, we’ll be announcing the 100 winners of this scheme, who will each have been interviewed and tested by us. We’ve met some of them already - and they’re pretty extraordinary people. They’ll be joining the near 1200 existing Ones to Watch alumni who have been making their way in the world for the last decade. We’re looking forward to getting them all together at our annual Ones to Watch party in September!
Soraya Janmohamed is Head of Graduate at Freshminds